
I really need to start blogging about things other than boys. This is the last post about him (see Sprite & Peach Ciroc, Dear John, Catch of the Quarter, part of 19 Days Later…, and Strings Attached for the full backstory), I promise. Those are a lot of posts (yikes), I know. I had it bad for this boy.

Long story short, I was super interested in him and he was not so interested in me. It happens. I’ve been in that tricky over-you-but-not-really phase for weeks now, and it’s been driving me crazy. But I finally realized why we would never make it as a couple.

So, instead of going out on a Saturday Night like every other college student ever, I stayed in with one of my roommates and knocked out some much needed studying. We needed a break after a bit, so we watched This is 40. The whole movie, I kept thinking about how adorable the two daughters with curly hair were. I’ve always wanted curly hair, but mines naturally stick straight. And that’s when I remembered. When I was about thirteen I made a promise to myself to only seriously date men (not boys) with curly hair, so when I decided I liked one of them enough to get married, I could have curly-haired babies. It makes total sense. John has straight hair, so we were obviously never met to be.

On one hand, I’m so happy to have come to this realization and be 100% donezo with any emotional shit I’ve been carrying around. On the other, I’m actually really pissed I wasted so many calories on Ben & Jerry’s (but definitely try their new Core) and baked goods (you’re welcome) if it was going to be this easy getting over him.

DONE DONE DONE. I feel so light and happy.